Monday, May 4, 2009

top 10 day?

The big weather topic here in the Heartland last night was not about some massive storm or about the terrible wind that destroyed the Dallas Cowboy's inflatable practice area; no, it was about top 10 days. Specifically, whether or not yesterday was a top 10 day. The local weather guys had already declared that Saturday was not a top 10 weather day but they thought yesterday was. They actually declared yesterday as a top 10 day. That officially proves they are paid for being dumb!

Yesterday was not a top 10 day. It was cloudy most of the day, a touch humid, and generally not a very nice day.

Saturday on the other hand was a gorgeous day. Saturday's weather had low humidity, a slight breeze, and a fantastic 68 degrees. It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The weather know-nothings said it had to be in the 70s to be declared a top 10 day. What do they know?

I even went for a walk outside with my dear sweet husband. Those of you who really know me and who are reading this blog know that I do not spend very much time outside.

What do you think? What is your idea of a top 10 weather day?

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