Sunday, July 26, 2009

help me name my business update

Today was to be the last day of the contest. Because I received a lower than expected response to my preliminary blog contest I have decided to run the contest for one more week.

I have received more suggestions for a business name from people who do not read my blog than people who do read my blog; that is a sad state for those of you who read my humble little blog!

Here are the suggestions I have received so far: Stitches n Stuff (implies sewing and other stuff), The Rose (not to be confused with a certain children's theatre), Designs by Rose, Creations by Rose (creation to me implies making something from nothing and I think God leads in that department), Crazy Lady Sewing Company (confirmed "crazy" by pulling an all-nighter Friday night to finish a project), and The Mouse House (I have collected mice for a long time but not the kind that scamper around the house as earlier posts explain what I do to that kind of mouse).

I think we should ask the next generation of bloggers what they think I should name my business. They are good with coming up with 4th of July songs so why not business names?

I also have only had one person suggest a prize so that person may get a prize whether or not the entry wins or not!

Put your thinking caps on again and post your comments for all to see.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. This is probably much too late, but your quote says it all: "Stitched With Love." Since you also make (mold?, sculpt? design?) Rice Krispies Treats, you could go with something like "Handled with Love" or some such. You would probably also have to call those same treats "Puffed Cereal Treats" or the like, so as not to impose copyright infringement.
